Call Center Suit

What is this?

A Cloud based software designed for contact centers. The very well known opensource solution "Vicidial" with better support team.

Where is this?

Hosted on our cloud instances for global reachibility

How scalable is this?

We keep adding more nodes to scale it for as many resources as you want


Call Recording
Lead Management
Reports & Statistics
Real Time Processing
3-Way Conference
Dynamic Transfers
Agent Live Call Monitoring
Voice Broadcasting


What is this?

A cloud based IP Telephone Exchange (IP-PBX).

How scalable is this?

Practically no limit, with efficient load balancing

What is this used for?

Virutal office, business communication medium and remote/off shore business communication


Call Recording
Inter/Infra Office Voice
Conference Call
Voicemails to Emails
Time Based Routing


What is this?

Phone Numbers to dial from and recieve calls to

What do they do?

Identities allow you to foward calls to one or multiple devices around the world

Identities are the channels through which customer interacts you or by what you are known to them.


Numbers from 77 countries
Customized Dial Plan
Intelligent IVR
Virutal Attendant
Voice Mails
Global Call Forwarding